Kavu Beber Belt Coyote
Kavu Beber Belt Coyote 2
Kavu Beber Belt Coyote 3
Kavu Beber Belt Lifestyle
Kavu Beber Belt Coyote
Kavu Beber Belt Coyote 2
Kavu Beber Belt Coyote 3
Kavu Beber Belt Lifestyle

Beber Belt

In stock

About me

Built for speed when your friend needs a beverage. Also, it's a belt for your pants. KAVU put the FUN in FUNction. Beber means "To Drink" in Spanish, so drink up buttercup!

  • M
  • L
  • Black
  • Coyote


  • 3,8 cm (1.5”) wide adjustable nylon webbing belt with built-in bottle opener on buckle.
  • Constructed in the USA from worldwide materials.
  • Fabric: Nylon.

Sizing Information

M: 96,5 cm (38")

L: 106,7 (42")


Product Details


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